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Archives for December, 2010

On Sunday, December 19th 2010, Nassau Quadrathletes hosted it’s first event. The 10k Warmup Race for Bahamas Half-Marathon was a part of the training program for myself and a few others on the way to the HM on January 16th 2011.

Runner Megan did a great job of organizing and promoting the event, and we ended up having 17 runners I believe. Sailor Ferdi stepped in as Race Committee and started and finished the racers.

The 10k route took us from Fort Montagu, over the new bridge to PI, down to the Ocean Club Estates security/entrance, back over the old bridge, back past Fort Montagu, past the RNSC, and back to finish at Fort Montagu. The Sunday morning start of 8am (delayed by an hour due to the boat parade and basketball game the night before!) held good running weather, not too cold or hot, a bit humid, but no rain. The course was relatively flat except for the two bridges, which will be included in the half-marathon (twice for full marathoners!).

Quadrathlete Simon (Conchman 2010) ended up winning the event in a time of 44 minutes and change I believe. I brought up the end with Runner Holly around 1:03. This put me at a 10:14 mile, and a 2:15 half marathon pace, which is about where I want to be (hell, I just want to finish).

The champagne came out (thanks to whoever brought it! good idea!) and a celebratory round was had. A few people went off to the Cricket Club for breakfast and drinks. Myself, I went home and stretched, iced, and coincidently passed out. I woke up a bit later to head to the Cricket Club for lunch and begin my 4th event.

A great first event for the Quadrathletes! If I had to add anything it would be a water stop volunteer and recorded results, but these things come with time (and sponsors!). We are looking forward to a 10k Swim/Kayak/Sail (either/or/relay?) in May 2011, details to come in January.

Here are some pictures from the event, thanks to Quadrathlete Diane!

Palm Beaches Marathon Festival 5k Run

The Palm Beaches Marathon Festival 5k Run
December 3, 2010

The weather was cold…low 50’s…! The warmup was minimal, and standing around waiting on the start took about 20 minutes. There were about 800 people entered! There was a small Bahamian contingent, as seen below. Myself, Eric, Jane, Jamie, and Rhiannon. Also obviously present were Jamaicans and a Trinidad and Tobago team. The race started and we were off, waving our way through the crowd, side stepping, being passed and side stepped as well. The first mile took a while to come, and it was about nine minutes. A cool little sign with the time! (and we had timing chips on our bibs! This is all new to me!) The half way point was finally upon us with a water table and gatorade, I wanted a gatorade but only got a water. Oh well. Kept the running up the whole time despite feeling tightness in my left Achilles tendon.

Finished the race in 28:20 which is a 9:07 pace. 276/697. Not bad, but could be faster, but since I haven’t been training for a while and I didn’t want to sprain a tendon, that’s ok by me.

We hung around for a bit then headed off to Roccos Tacos for some good mexican food despite a long wait!

Race Results

Race Photographs by Brightroom

Photos below by Quadrathlete photographer Tina

November Totals

November’s totals:
Bike: 2h 34m
Run: 7h 02m
Swim: 1h 54m
P90X: 3h 56m

A bit short due to my Achilles’ tendons acting up 🙁