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2012 January | My Blog
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2011 10K Marathon Warm-Up Race


December 17th 2011

The 2011 10k Marathon Warm-Up Race (2nd of a hopefully annual event) took place from scenic Montagu, Nassau, Bahamas.  We had a total of 5 “official” entrants, two “unofficial” entrants (who left a bit early to get their day started!), and a dog!  Jason and I were excited to get to test some of our new Chronotrack systems available for races throughout the Bahamas.

The Official Unofficial Results

Place Name Age Sex Time (min/km) (min/mile)
1 ALEC PACKINGTON 29 M 45:42 04:35 07:22
2 GREG LOWE 57 M 46:10 04:37 07:27
3 JOHN PROCTOR 34 M 54:48 05:29 08:50
4 JEN MARBURY 36 F 58:00 05:48 09:21
5 DANIELLE VAN WYNEN 42 F 1:02:26 06:15 10:04
6 BRIT HOOD 41 F 1:02:28 06:15 10:05
7 ANNA PROCTOR 32 F 1:05:00 06:30 10:29

Alec and Greg fought it out on the race course, with Alec being quite surprised at the pace he was being challenged to!  Greg is the father of Simon Lowe, infamous triathlete who overslept (or otherwise missed) the event. We had a smaller turnout than expected, but with the short notice and lack of advertising what else can we expect!

The Chronotrack system worked perfectly and we look forward to using it on future events.  Our next major events are the  Marathon Bahamas weekend on January 14/15th and the Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend on March 23-25th.

I look forward to seeing everyone out on the course, and thanks for your participation in this and other events!  If you would like to volunteer for any events please let me know, the more the merrier!  Have a great 2012!

Photos by Chrystonia Robertson