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2012 December | My Blog
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Archives for December, 2012

Quadrathlete.com 10k 2012

December 15th started out early with a 6:30 Bahamian Time (6:40ish) start to the 10k. 13 participants entered this year on a hilly course passing over the bridges twice, through the tunnel twice, and past the cloisters dip twice again! Congratulation to everyone, and to our overall winner Greg Lowe and our top female Mary Jane Sands!

We are planning another event tentatively for the January 5th weekend, to burn off those holiday calories and get ready for Marathon Bahamas 2013! We look forward to seeing everyone out at both events!

Place Name Sex 10k Pace
1 Greg Lowe M 55:51 8:52
2 Peter Wagner M 57:17 9:06
3 Carlo Chee A Tow M 57:17 9:06
4 John Proctor M 58:16 9:15
5 Mary Jane Sands F 1:01:14 9:44
6 Sam Wrinkle M 1:01:43 9:48
7 Todd Hanselmann M 1:03:00 10:00
8 Karen Johnson F 1:03:01 10:01
9 Britt Hood F 1:03:53 10:09
10 Danielle Van Wynen F 1:03:53 10:09
11 Tanya Bales F 1:04:36 10:16
12 Jill Evans F 1:09:19 11:01
13 Joey Premock F 1:15:57 12:04