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My WordPress Blog


2013- So below is where I stood up until about the end of 2011.  Add in a few other events that have been added.  After that I got into the organization of events, such as the Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend, the 242 Colour Run, and the Bahamas Half Marathon.  They’re documented on here as well. Quite an interesting turn of events in the direction life has led me!

PROMPT was founded in 2012 after seeing a need for race services in the Bahamas. The international community began exploding with triathlons, running races, bike races, mud runs, adventure runs, colour runs and the like, and none of it was happening here in the islands.  PROMPT was formed to create new destination events such as the Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend and the 242 Colour Run.  In addition they provide support to other events such as the Potcakeman and the Pinnapleathon.

2010-2012ish – This is a blog of a budding triathlete!  In June 2010 I began training for the BASRA 3k Charity swim and decided to keep going, with the Conchman Triathlon as the next goal.  Other events popped up and future events are being planned, and a new type of person was born, the “Quadrathlete”.

So far 25 lbs have been lost, running ability has been drastically improving, the love of the road has been growing (my wallet hasn’t, expensive hobby!), and my desire to swim is as strong as ever!

Past Events (there may have been others!):

November 2010 – Conchman Sprint TriathlonBlog Entry
January 2011 – Bahamas MarathonBlog Entry
April 2011 – Miami 10k Swim or Ride for Hope, Eleuthera
May 2011 – Judgement Day Triathlon, Nassau
June 4 2011 – Pineapple-a-thon Sprint Triathlon, Eleuthera – Blog Entry
June 18 2011 – Swim Around Key West
July 2011 – Chattanooga Waterfront Tri, TN – Blog Entry
August 2011 – Basra Swim, Freeport – Blog Entry
September 2011 – UWC Triathlon Bahamas – Blog Entry

October 1st 2011 – Abaco Swim Club 5k, Marsh Harbour, Abaco – Blog Entry
October 29th 2011 – SWIFT Open Water Swim 1mi/2mi, Nassau
November 5th 2011 – Conchman Triathlon, Freeport – Missed it
November 13th 2011 – Miamiman International Distance Triathlon, FL – Blog Entry
November 2011 – February 2011 – P90X Classic


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